Archive for the ‘General’ Category


Thursday, August 30th, 2007

A drink unknown to most Europeans, Clamato is a tomato-clam cocktail. Tomato juice mixed with powdered mollusks. On the picture Clamato is mixed with ice-cold beer (Texas-style).

The Bloody Caesar is a spicy drink made of Clamato juice, vodka, salt, pepper, Worcestershire sauce and a dash of oregano, poured over ice, served with a celery stick and a slice of lime. I like this cocktail with tiger prawns in it. A complete meal (if you have two or more)!

Invented in California in 1969, The Bloody Caesar became very popular in Canada where it still is the #1 selling cocktail. In fact, more than 200 million Mott´s Clamato Caesars are sold every year.

On the picture: Mike Moroff.


Wednesday, August 29th, 2007

“Het radicale islamisme van onze tijd is het eerste voorbeeld van een puur wraakzuchtige ideologie: het kan alleen straffen maar brengt niets tot stand. De zwakheid van de islam als politieke religie, of hij nu van gematigde of radicale snit is, vloeit voort uit het feit dat hij principieel op het verleden is gericht. Zijn leiders kunnen tot dusver niets dan atechnische, romantische, door woede gekleurde begrippen voor de wereld van morgen formuleren.”

Peter Sloterdijk. ‘Woede en Tijd, een politiek-psychologisch essay’. Boom Uitgeverij.


Wednesday, August 29th, 2007

The Box Collector (TBC) is produced by Paul Breuls for Corsan NV, associate produced and based on a story by Guy Lee Thys, directed by John Daly, starring Margot Kidder, Noah Segan and introducing Lyne Renée. Shot in Manitoba, Canada. Release: spring 2008.

“Carmel, South Dakota, today. Timid young artist Harry (Noah Segan) falls for his new neighbor Marie (Lyne Renée), a teasing young divorcee hiding from her stalking ex-husband. However, Harry’s insanely possessive mother Beth (Margot Kidder) will do anything to stop the budding love affair between her only son and the foreign intruder.”

Read more about TBC in Winnipeg Free Press.